Applying for Accreditation Certificates
Any person in good standing who is a current subscribing member of the Spiritualist Church of Canada (SCC), may, upon satisfying the conditions imposed by the SCC, be granted a certificate accrediting the particular work for which the recipient is qualified. For this purpose, the Board of Governors will assess the personal, educational and training qualifications as well as the experience of each applicant. Applications are to be submitted 7 days before the Board of Governors Meeting.
Accreditation Requirements
Applications for a certificate must include payment of the established fee, which shall be refunded in the event of the application is not accepted.
Accreditation Application
Applications must be accompanied by a letter signed by two (2) officers of the Church of which the applicant is a member, verifying the applicant’s statements and attesting to his/her ability to demonstrate the work for which the certification has been requested. Should the applicant not be able to provide a letter signed by two (2) officers of which the applicant is a member, then two (2) letters from any Governor and or Minister of the Spiritualist Church of Canada can be submitted