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Presidents Message and Newsletters

President's Message 

Dear Friends
As we look back on 2023, I would like to share some words from Marshall Vian  Summers, written December 23, 1994, in Boulder, Colorado, that I feel are fitting in our lives today:
“This is your Christmas now. It is not simply a commemorative holiday. It is not simply a
remembrance of your traditions. It is not simply a remembrance of family and friends. It is
not simply a time to give gifts and to be giving for a few days out of the year. Though it may
 include all these things, the meaning of Christmas is greater. Let it be greater for you.
Let it be a time, then, that you remember that you have a greater purpose in the world and that you have been sent into the world to reclaim this purpose—to accept it, to experience it and to follow it so that it may be contributed. Let this be a time that you remember that your life is greater than simply being a person in the world who has basic needs.
It is this greater part of you—this greater calling and this greater purpose—that gives
meaning to all the lesser aspects of yourself and unites them harmoniously, and fulfills their roles. Without this greater purpose, you would be fragmented, and the aspects of your personality and mind would not find a basis for integration or unity. Without this greater purpose, you will struggle with survival and with fulfillment, but without satisfaction—sensing, feeling, and knowing that as time passes, your greater purpose and your greater calling are going unfulfilled and unanswered.
This is Christmas for you. It does not happen only once a year, but it is a reminder that
beyond all your personal needs and immediate difficulties, you have a greater mission. And like in the life of Jesus, you must come to find this. You must feel it and allow it to emerge. You must recognize that alone you cannot fulfill it because it is not for you alone.” 
Season Greetings and Happy Holidays to you and your family from the Board of the
Spiritualist Church of Canada.

Rev Angie Morra

Click on the pictures for the different Newsletter volumes.  2018 to present.

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