Student Recommended Reading List
NOTE: Most of these books can be purchased on-line. Others are can be read on the Internet free of charge. The rest may only be available through your local library.
Allen, James As a Man Thinketh.
Austin, B. F. The ABC’s of Spiritualism.
Ballard, Stan A. and Roger Green, compilers. The Silver Birch Book of Questions & Answers
Barbanell, Maurice The Power of Spirit.
Barnes, Peggy The Fundamentals of Spiritualism.
Barnes, Peggy Psychic Facts.
Boddington, Harry The University of Spiritualism.
Burroughs, H. Gordon Becoming a Spiritualist.
Cadwallader, M. E. Hydesville in History.
De Swarte, Lyn Principles of Spiritualism: The Only Introduction You’ll Even Need.
Edwards, Harry A Guide for the Development of Mediumship. (Rare and expensive)
Edwards, Harry The Power of Spiritual Healing.
Findlay, Arthur On the Edge of the Etheric.
Harris, Elizabeth Spiritualism, a Way of Life.
McKay, Amy Why I am a Spiritualist.
S.A.M. Inc. Natural Law Governs.
Scher, Frances Spiritualism and Mediumship Studies
Schneider, Herbert F. Writing of Andrew Jackson Davis: a Resume.
Silver Birch Teachings of Silver Birch.