Implications of Spiritualism Barbanell, Maurice. 1930.
"Properly understood, Spiritualism will become one of the greatest forces for good in the world."
Modern American Spiritualism Britten, Emma Hardinge. New York: 1870
The History of Spiritualism Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 1926
This book on Modern Spiritualism traces the history of spiritualism through the early 20th century and includes profiles of such prominent spiritualists as Emmanuel Swedenborg.
The Vital Message Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 1938
This, one of Doyle's most read volumes, contains a wealth of information relating to survival research, its prominent figures and how this exciting and ground-breaking research affects religion.
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Principles of Nature, Nature's Divine Revelation Davis, Andrew Jackson.
A collection of 157 lectures dictated by Davis while in an elevated mental trance which he called The Superior Condition. While in this state he was able to visit the spiritual universe and relay his impressions. This work is generally accepted as the founding philosophy of Spiritualism; difficult to read but essential to an understanding of it.
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The Great Harmonia Volumes 1 - 5 Davis, Andrew Jackson. .1850-1859
A series of 5 volumes written by Davis which expanded on the writings in Principles of Nature to give a more practical explanation and interpretation of the concepts.
The Great Harmonia, Vol. 1, The Physician
The Great Harmonia, Vol. 2, The Teacher
The Great Harmonia, Vol. 3, The Seer
The Great Harmonia, Vol. 4, The Reformer
The Great Harmonia, Vol. 5, The Thinker
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The Survival of Man Lodge, Sir Oliver. London: 1909
The author's conviction of man's survival of bodily death - a conviction based on a large range of natural facts - is well known, and in this volume, some idea can be gained as to the kind of foundation on which in the future he considers that this belief will in due course be scientifically established.
Raymond: Life and Death Lodge, Sir Oliver. London: 1916
The account of his son's death in the first World War in 1915. Part One of the book documents the life of Raymond and the events leading up to his death. Part Two documents the successful attempts of the family to make contact with the discarnate Raymond through mediumship. Part Three concerns Lodge's beliefs about and philosophy of the After-life.
On the Edge of the Etheric Findlay, Arthur . 1930
Findlay offers scientific proof of life after death and the reason and purpose of our stay on earth.
The Higher Spiritualism Leonard, John C. New York:1927
An objective analysis of the history, philosophy, and teachings of Spiritualism.
After Death, Letters From Julia Stead, William Thomas 1909
A collection of messages received through automatic writing from the spirit world.
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The Blue Island Stead, Estelle. W. and Pardoe Woodman. 1922
April 1912 The Titanic sank in mid-ocean. My father was a passenger on this ship and passed on to the next world. A fortnight after the disaster I saw my fathers face and heard his voice just as distinctly as I heard it when he bade me good-bye before embarking on the Titanic. With help of a well-known voice medium, Mrs. Etta Wriedt, I talked with my father for over twenty minutes. The Blue Island provides very definite proof of communication from the spirit world.